Healing Wounds by Producing Smiles

The mission behind the iDream Wish List Fundraising Campaign is to Grant Dream Wishes for children with health conditions that causes continuous physical, mental, or emotional stress such as:

▪︎Lupus/Cancer/Liver Disease
▪︎Intellectual Disability/Diabetes

They face constant symptoms that interfere with their daily activities.  The goal is to show them that we will always support them and will never give up hope for their future. There is not enough money in the world that we can raise to take the pain away. Wholeheartedly, it's an honor to be the reason behind those smiles one child at a time for generations to come.

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The mission​ behind the iTravel Wish List is to ​Grant Travel Wishes for women. Wishes are granted to:

 ▪︎Domestic Abuse Victims
 ▪︎Women suffering from Depression due to abuse
▪︎Women suffering from Anxiety due to abuse

Keeping the women of our community engaged in positive activities can influence them to get up, change their mind, and leave their positive mark on the world. Understanding that people's happiness is what keep successful businesses on the market, we've developed an affordable way for women to take Island Beach House Vacations and Caribbean cruises. Ladies are also encouraged to start their own business.

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Destinations are subject to change.




No one is suffering more than those that feel pain every day. As an entrepreneur, I came to the conclusion that many things are out of our control. But we can help by showing others that we are on a constant move for change. I won't give up on those that need my help. With the way things are going around the world, I've made it my first priority to ensure that I'm able to lift spirits and make a difference in our communities. As a single mother, I know what it's like being homeless while raising a child that has an intellectual disability. I know what it's like having multiple miscarriages. I was also in abusive relationships, but the past won't interfere with me progressing and helping someone else that need my support. It was those life experiences that gave me the strength to be able to build this business.

I understand that I can't help everyone, but as a team  WE  can do our part to help as many people as we possibly can. God gave us the  WILL  to wake up today and believe me, someone didn't wake up last night. So, instead of concentrating on what I don't have, I've decided to  GIVE  what I do have: Myself. I'm investing my time, effort, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and most importantly,  LOVE .

 I pray that we can ALL help each other and support one another by having faith and not giving up on what's important:  Us !

Your support is greatly appreciated. Together we can continue to grow our network of supporters by connecting with other women and organizations that are working hard every day to keep someone smiling.